It seems just yesterday that my son was on the floor covering his ears with no words to be able to communicate.
It seems just yesterday that he would go under tables to hide from all sensory input and from others socially.
It seems just yesterday he couldn't say one single word, we only heard grunts.
It seems just like yesterday that he screamed when the fireworks went off nightly at our house that happens to be close to Disney World.
It seems just like yesterday when he chewed his t-shirts so hard they would be soaking wet with teeth marks so hard they had to be thrown away.
It seems just like yesterday at over 5 years-old he still couldn't use the bathroom on his own.
In about a week, my boy will turn 17 and it is hard to believe how far he has come.
As I look back I am grateful for what he can do, but I also need to look forward at the skills we still need to work on too.
Even if your child is still in Elementary School it is important to plan ahead for the future in many different areas.
Planning for their future financially.
Planning for their future regarding life skills.
Planning for their future regarding social skills.
Planning for their future regarding daily living skills.
Planning for their future regarding relationships and friendships.
Planning for their future regarding guardianship and advocacy.
I often think daily of the skills my son still needs to learn to be on his own. I have for years. It is not something I thought about as much with my daughter who is 6 years older than my son. Why is that? Well she had most of the skills come to her more easily than my son. I never felt like I had a list of struggles my daughter had, with my son I did and still do.
It is funny how autism or other disabilities can help you actually to hyper-focus on what your child needs help with. That is a blessing actually.
It can be overwhelming but you have to take one struggle at a time.
One challenge at a time.
One day at a time.
One minute at a time.
My son is growing up. In just a little over a year he will be officially an adult. As I type those words I took a big, deep breath. Whew! The thought of him growing up and how much progress he has made I am truly grateful. When I think about the different things I still want to teach him to reach the goal of independence it is overwhelming. I am honored though that God chose me to help him to reach for those goals.
I often hear parents share their hearts when someone told them their child won't make anymore progress. It hurts my heart so much. I don't ever believe that our kids or adults are done learning and growing ever! Let me say that louder and again-
I don't ever believe that our kids or adults are done learning and growing ever!
Yes our children are growing up every single day.
Make each day count.
Make each day always grateful for at least one thing.
Make each day a gift.
Make each day positive.
Make each day a blessing.
It is a choice.
Today can be a new start to your attitude, your heart, and your focus. They are growing up so let's help them in a way that is healthy and positive.
Patty Myers